New Border Break Kits Coming

Good news to Border Break fans! According to the Youtube Live!, Kotobukiya will be producing new Border Break toys (plastic kits). Are they going to used the same Frame Arms Architect body or complete new mod? We will find out soon and I am quite confident Kotobukiya might be reissuing all the previous kits so better look out!


  1. Border Break is free to play in PS4? Sweet. But I don't have it. :<

  2. Holy shit! Yes!

    I hope they use a brand new frame mold for the new kits. Frame arms should stick to its own thing.

    God damn, Sony is really making everything exclusive. Would love Border Break to multi-platform...

  3. Considering the chance of the old Border Break kits getting a reissue it would stand the new kits would highly likely use the same Frame. If it ain't broke don't fox. Plus it still works well for customization which is the point.

    Can't wait for Border Break, glad to have a PS4


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