Review - M.S.G Weapon Unit MW-37: Assault Rifle II

Kotobukiya second update on assault rifles was released in 2017. But this time the design approach a little bit more toward the looks in the Sci-Fi world. Unlike the previous version, it doesn't have any grenade launcher add-on and this time, you only get one rifle with a swappable part for converting long or short version of the assault rifle. It also comes with a silencer, two ammo clips, fixed angle gripping hand parts and different target scopes.

The only complaint I have is the fixed angle gripping hand parts still continue bundle with Assualt Rifle II. I thought they would remove it or put something else when reissuing the products. Sadly, to me, it is just a junk part and have no idea what to do with it.

*For most of you who doesn't know, these mod parts were actually first introduced in Frame Arms SX-25 Cutlass. Due to unpopularity and feedbacks, Kotobukiya redesign and introduced the swing joints mod which you can found normal/wild/sharp/neo hand units today.

My Recommendation: 😍

Product Information:

  • Release Date: March 2017
  • Code: MW-37
  • Price: 600 YEN
  • Availability: Retail shops or online shops (Get it at Amazon)

Photos & Review by F.A.M.S.G Admin 

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work on these reviews. They hold a wealth of information for any Kotobukiya fan!


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