Kotobukiya No Longer Produce Super Robot Wars?

Did you guys get the Super Robot Wars 30th Anniversary game yet? I have already gotten mine Nintendo Switch version and, I am currently busy playing ever since there isn't much news lately coming from Kotobukiya. The quietest one got to be SRW lines model kits.

I believe we won't be seeing any new product or reissue anymore from Kotobukiya if I am right about this. It is very likely the SRW license might have already expired and, Bandai decided to take over to produce the SRW model kits this year onward. This also depends on the SRW mecha legal licensing or IP, there are a number of them (collaboration) that doesn't belong to Bandai Namco so it's very likely that Kotobukiya still can continue to reissue or produce. Again, I'm not sure about this and up to the marketing guys or you guys can source the bootleg version on the internet.

It is interesting to know Kotobukiya started the SRW lines in the year 2004 and had a good run until 2018 (Raftclans Faunea).


  1. Yah, after seeing Alteisen & Cybuster released by Bandai, I started to think if SRW mech license will be given to Bandai and terminate with Kotobukiya. As SRW fans, I quite don't mind about it if srw plamo still got good quality and cheaper than latter.

    If situation like that, you won't post SRW plamo related anymore?

    1. Considering that Bandai owns Banpresto/the descendent of Banpresto, we can probably ascertain that Bandai will be keeping it internal for model kits. They don't really have a problem with Bukiya though, given the collaboration with Desktop Army and Bukiya (Bandai owns Megahouse)

    2. I built the Cybuster released by Bandai this year not too long ago.

      I can can attest that it's a pretty good kit that should hold together well over time. Plastic and color seperation was good and the only real hollow parts where the bottom.of the feet. But that is easily remedied.

      If they continue with this decent quality with the Alteisen onward I think the SRW kits will be in good hands.


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